Our Editorial Team
Class of 2025, Richard Montgomery HS
All of my ambition, drive, and motivation in life comes from this deep-seated curiosity that drives me to explore philosophy in search of the Why.
“For this feeling of wonder shows that you are a philosopher, since wonder is the only beginning of philosophy.”
- Plato, Theaetetus
Editor In Chief,
Class of 2025, Richard Montgomery HS
Philosophy gives me the language to formalize raw thought into reason. Eventually, it ought to transmute reason into enlightenment, and I hope to be there when that happens.
“Reason has always existed, but not always in a rational form.”
- Karl Marx
Class of 2025, Richard Montgomery HS
I like philosophy because some questions are just fun to ponder and wonder what other people thought about them. I don’t know if I subscribe to any single school of philosophy (I probably don’t know enough about any single one).
Kevin Si, Editor-in-Chief
Vihaan Rathi, Editor-in-Chief
Anurag Nambiar, Contributor
Our Advisory Council
Max Belyantsev,
former Editor-in-Chief
Jake Lee, Founder
Vittoria Satterlee, former Contributor
Class of 2023, Richard Montgomery HS
Everyone has a personal philosophy to life. They have thoughts about politics and ethics and religion and every other fundamental part of our existence, and it’s never boring to figure out what makes each person tick. Our philosophy, whether we recognize it or not, is a guiding compass of our actions.
“Excellently observed, but let us cultivate our garden.”
- Voltaire
Former Editor-in-Chief
Class of 2024, Richard Montgomery HS
As humans, we are far from perfect, all-knowing beings. My love for philosophy stems from not only a thirst for knowledge but also from one simple question that leads to many more: Why are things the way they are?
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
- Socrates
Class of 2024, Sherwood HS
I’ve always been one to question what I’m told. Philosophy is a subject I love because it is centered around challenging pre-existing ideas, and does not deem forging another path as a divergence, but rather an expectation.
“To perceive is to suffer.”
- Aristotle